Shabat Closer

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

TECH: auto load many sitemaps to google webmaster

upload multiple sitemaps to google, by automation javascript script.

auto load many sitemaps to google webmaster

  1. Login to google webmaster
  2. go to Sitemap TAB.
  3. Press F12 on keyboard.
  4. go to Console TAB.
  5. click on Multi Line Mode
  6. paste the following 

* Variables :                                       *
* the following variables will upload               *
* the sitemap files                                 *
*   from : xmlmap.php?index=0                       *
*   to   : xmlmap.php?index=10                      *
*                                                   *
*  Upload FILE: baseSiteMapName + (jump * index)    *
var jump = 1;                               //Jump index count(Only if you need it...).
var index = 0;                              //Start index position.
var end = 10;                               //End index position.
var baseSiteMapName = "xmlmap.php?index=";  //sitemap file.
var UploadDelay = 1000;                     //Delay between uploads.
* the code   *
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = '//';
function upload_smap() {
    $("input[type='text']").val(baseSiteMapName + (jump * index));
    if (index > end)
var uploadInt = setInterval(upload_smap, UploadDelay);

  1. change the variables to your site configuration.
  2. Click "Run Script"


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

PHP: GODADDY Class - Change Godaddy DNS record Script

PHP Godaddy Class  - script to add/delete record from godaddy dns.

 * The main class for sending and parsing server requests to the
 * GoDaddy?® TotalDNS management system. Eventually this class
 * could split into multiple classes representing the various
 * components such as the Service, Account, Zone, and Record(s).
class GoDaddyDNS{
  * Class variables
 private $_config;
 private $_curlHandle;
 private $_lastResponse;
  * Initialize the configuration array with configuration defaults.
 public function __construct($config = array()) {
  // Apply default configuration settings
  $this->_config = array_merge(array(
   'username'       =>'',
   'password'       =>'',
   'domain'       =>'',
   'cookie_file'                 => tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'Curl'),
   'auto_remove_cookie_file'     => true,
   'auto_logout'                 => true,
   'godaddy_dns_zonefile_url'    => '',
   'godaddy_dns_zonefile_ws_url' => ''
   ), $config);

  * Destroy the curl handle and unlink the cookies file.
 public function __destruct() {
  if ($this->_config['auto_logout']) {
  if ($this->_curlHandle) {
  if ($this->_config['auto_remove_cookie_file'] && file_exists($this->_config['cookie_file'])) {

  * Login to the user's account, returning an error if the credentials are
  * invalid or the login fails.
 private function _authenticate($username, $password,$domain) {
  $this->_lastResponse = $this->_fetchURL($this->_config['godaddy_dns_zonefile_url'].$domain);
  if (!$this->isLoggedIn($username)) {
   // User is not already logged in, build and submit a login request
   $postUrl = curl_getinfo($this->_curlHandle, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL);

   $post = array(
    'Login$userEntryPanel2$LoginImageButton.x' => 0,
    'Login$userEntryPanel2$LoginImageButton.y' => 0,
    'Login$userEntryPanel2$UsernameTextBox' => $username,
    'Login$userEntryPanel2$PasswordTextBox' => $password,
    '__EVENTARGUMENT' => $this->_getField('__EVENTARGUMENT'),
    '__EVENTTARGET' => $this->_getField('__EVENTTARGET'),
    '__VIEWSTATE' => $this->_getField('__VIEWSTATE'),
   $this->_lastResponse = $this->_fetchURL($postUrl, $post);

   if (!$this->isLoggedIn($username, $this->_lastResponse)) {
    // Invalid username/password or unknown response received
    return false;
  return true;

  * Check to see if the expected user is logged in.
 public function isLoggedIn($username) {
  if (preg_match('#Welcome:&nbsp;<span id="ctl00_lblUser" .*?\>(.*)</span>#', $this->_lastResponse, $match)) {
   if (strtolower($match[1]) == strtolower($username) || $match[2] == $username) {
    return true;
   } else {
    // An unexpected user was logged in
  return false;

  * Log the user out.
 public function logout() {
  if (preg_match('#<a [^>]+href="(.*?)"[^>]*>Log Out</a>#', $this->_lastResponse, $match)) {
   $this->_lastResponse = $this->_fetchURL($match[1]);
   if (preg_match('#<img src="([^"]+)" height="1" width="1" />#', $this->_lastResponse, $match)) {
    $this->_lastResponse = $this->_fetchURL($match[1]);
    return true;
  return false;
 * Add new record
 public function AddRecord($host,$type = 'A',$pointsTo,$ttl=3600){
  switch (strtoupper($type)) {
   case 'A':
    $post = array(
     'sInput' => '<PARAMS>
         <PARAM name="host" value="'.$host.'" />
         <PARAM name="pointsTo" value="'.$pointsTo.'" />
         <PARAM name="lstIndex" value="'.$next_record_id.'" />
         <PARAM name="ttl" value="'.$ttl.'" />
    $calloutResponse = $this->_fetchURL($this->_config['godaddy_dns_zonefile_ws_url'] . '/AddNewARecord', http_build_query($post, '', '&'));
    if (strpos($calloutResponse, 'SUCCESS') === false) {
     return false;
    // Commit the updates
    $post = array(
     'sInput' => '<PARAMS>
         <PARAM name="domainName" value="' . $domain . '" />
         <PARAM name="zoneType" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="aRecEditCount" value="1" />
         <PARAM name="aRecEdit0Index" value="'.$next_record_id.'" />
         <PARAM name="aRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="cnameRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="cnameRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="mxRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="mxRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="txtRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="txtRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="srvRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="srvRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="aaaaRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="aaaaRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="soaRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="soaRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="nsRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="nsRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
    $calloutResponse = $this->_fetchURL($this->_config['godaddy_dns_zonefile_ws_url'] . '/SaveRecords', http_build_query($post, '', '&'));
    if (strpos($calloutResponse, 'SUCCESS') === false) {
     return false;
    return true;
    // Other record types are currently unsupported
    throw new Exception('Unknown record type encountered: ' . $type);

 * Delete record
 public function deleteRecord($record){
  switch (strtoupper($record["type"])) {
   case 'A':
    $post = array(
     'sInput' => $record['index'].'|true',
    $calloutResponse = $this->_fetchURL($this->_config['godaddy_dns_zonefile_ws_url'] . '/FlagARecForDeletion', http_build_query($post, '', '&'));
    if (strpos($calloutResponse, 'SUCCESS') === false) {
     return false;
    // Commit the updates
    $post = array(
     'sInput' => '<PARAMS>
         <PARAM name="domainName" value="' . $domain . '" />
         <PARAM name="zoneType" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="aRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="aRecDeleteCount" value="1" />
         <PARAM name="aRecDelete0Index" value="' . $record['index'] . '" />
         <PARAM name="cnameRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="cnameRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="mxRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="mxRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="txtRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="txtRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="srvRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="srvRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="aaaaRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="aaaaRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="soaRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="soaRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="nsRecEditCount" value="0" />
         <PARAM name="nsRecDeleteCount" value="0" />
    $calloutResponse = $this->_fetchURL($this->_config['godaddy_dns_zonefile_ws_url'] . '/SaveRecords', http_build_query($post, '', '&'));
    if (strpos($calloutResponse, 'SUCCESS') === false) {
     return false;
    return true;
   case 'CNAME':
   case 'MX':
   case 'TXT':
   case 'SRV':
   case 'AAAA':
   case 'NS':
    // Other record types are currently unsupported
    throw new Exception('Unknown record type encountered: ' . $type);
  * Find and return the details about a host record, return false if nothing is found.
 * Note: The only type of records currently supported are "A" records.
 public function findRecords($host,$type = 'A') {
  $currentZone = $this->_getField('ctl00$cphMain$hdnCurrentZone');
  if (strtolower($currentZone) != strtolower($domain)) {
   // Request zone details if not already loaded - 
   // could keep a separate cache of each zone's records in the future
   $this->_lastResponse = $this->_fetchUrl($this->_config['godaddy_dns_zonefile_url'] . $domain);
  while(preg_match("#Undo{$type}Edit\('tbl{$type}Records_([0-9]+)?', '({$host})', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?'\);#is", $this->_lastResponse, $match,0,$offset)) {
   array_push($records,array_combine(array('match', 'index', 'host', 'data', 'ttl', 'host_td', 'points_to', 'rec_modified','type'), array_merge($match,array($type))));
  return $records;

 private function _nextRecordIndex($type = 'A'){
  return preg_match_all("#Undo{$type}Edit\('tbl{$type}Records_([0-9]+)?', '([^']+)', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?', '([^']+)?'\);#is", $this->_lastResponse, $match,0,$offset);
  * Connect to the remote server using CURL.
 private function _fetchURL($url, $post = null, $referer = '', $agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; PHP; cURL)', $language = 'en', $timeout = 30) {
  // Initialize CURL
  if (!$this->_curlHandle) {
   if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
    die('CURL is not loaded or compiled into this version of PHP.');
   if (!is_writable($this->_config['cookie_file'])) {
    die('Cookie jar file is not writable: ' . $this->_config['cookie_file']);

   $this->_curlHandle = curl_init();

   curl_setopt_array($this->_curlHandle, array(
    CURLOPT_TIMEOUT        => $timeout,
    CURLOPT_HEADER         => false,
    CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR      => $this->_config['cookie_file'],
    CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE     => $this->_config['cookie_file'],

  // Set the options
  curl_setopt($this->_curlHandle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  curl_setopt($this->_curlHandle, CURLOPT_REFERER, $referer);
  curl_setopt($this->_curlHandle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $agent);
  $extraHeaders = array(
   'Accept-Language: ' . $language,
  curl_setopt($this->_curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $extraHeaders);
  if ($post) {
   curl_setopt($this->_curlHandle, CURLOPT_POST, true);
   curl_setopt($this->_curlHandle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
  } else {
   curl_setopt($this->_curlHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, true);

  // Execute the request, returning the results
  return curl_exec($this->_curlHandle);

  * Parse and return a named field's value from the last response.
 private function _getField($name) {
  if (preg_match_all('#<input[^>]+>#is', $this->_lastResponse, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
   foreach ($matches as $match) {
    $fieldHtml = $match[0];
    if ($this->_getFieldAttribute('name', $fieldHtml) == $name) {
     return $this->_getFieldAttribute('value', $fieldHtml);
  return false;

  * Get the attribute from a field's html.
 private function _getFieldAttribute($attribute, $fieldHtml) {
  if (preg_match('#' . $attribute . '=["\']([^"\']+)?["\']#is', $fieldHtml, $match)) {
   return $match[1];
  return false;

Usage: Add record

$dns = new GoDaddyDNS(array(
 'domain'  =>''

Usage: Delete record

$dns = new GoDaddyDNS(array(
 'domain'  =>''
$records = $dns->findRecords("@");
foreach ($records as $record){
 if ($record["data"]==""){